Stalling for Time Cover
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Published: 2018
The FBI's chief hostage negotiator recounts harrowing standoffs, including the Waco siege with David Koresh and the Branch Davidians, in a memoir that serves as a basis for the upcoming series Waco. In Stalling for Time, the FBI's chief hostage negotiator takes readers on a harrowing tour through many of the most famous hostage crises in the history of the modern FBI, including the siege at Waco, the Montana Freemen standoff, and the D.C. sniper…

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After watching the Waco miniseries this book was quickly added to my Amazon wish list. I received the book for Christmas and was excited to get a chance to read it. While on a post Christmas trip I started my read through. This book was addicting from the beginning and difficult to put down.
Mr Noesner had the great fortune, or misfortune, to be present or participate in some of the most prolific instances of FBI negotiations in recent memory. Not every negotiation ends with the suspect coming out peacefully, or with all the hostages saved, but this book takes a hard look at what happened regardless of outcome. The FBI isn’t always in the right in every case and Gary doesn’t shy away from sharing his opinions on what went wrong along with how he feels it could have been handled better.
Overall I would recommend this book for anyone interested in WACO, the FBI, or negotiating. The information that one can learn can be applied to more than just freeing hostages, and the ability to reflect on what went wrong is invaluable.

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